Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Unit 1- Safe Assignment

Safe assignment

Q Instructions: Format each of your Answers as follows: (A) Definition (quote from the Textbook, with page number, OR quote from another permitted source -- i.e. an online law dictionary, with proper source citation ) (B) Explanation in your own words (C) Example (either your own, OR one that is in the Text, OR one that is in another permitted source, with proper source citation) (D) Find a website that supports and further explains your answer (not one that I have included in our Course, and not the same website you used to define your answer; include the website link in your answer) The Questions: Define the following: 1. Branches of Government 2. Caselaw 3. Administrative Regulations

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Branches of Government- The constitution of the United States does divide the federal government into three different sections just to make sure that there are no such individuals or groups of people who woud have too much of authority in their hands. The three branches of the government as of the Constitution of the United States are: